
  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #1 Vitamin D3

    Yes, yes, it’s not a mistake that I start the health alphabet with vitamin D3 and not with vitamin A 😉* The most important,* the most underrated* its deficiency causes serious diseases* and we usually have too little of this vitamin 🙁 Let’s start from scratch: What is this?Vitamin D, along with vitamins A, E and K, belongs to the group fat-soluble vitamins. She was discoveredonly in 1919 by Mellanbe, who for the first time the first to show that rickets could be caused by eficiencies in the diet of soluble substances in fats. Vitamin D can be supplied to the body in two ways – with food products or…

  • Food,  Health

    Food in plastic? NO! BPA (bisfenol A) is your poison!

    The plastic monomer and plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide. BPA is used in the production of polycarbonate plastics, epoxy resins used to line metal cans, and in many plastic consumer products including: cans, plastic bottles (pets), plastic food packaging, food containers, thermal paper, baby bottles, toys, water pipes, drinking containers, eyeglass lenses, sports safety equipment, dental monomers, medical equipment and tubing, and consumer electronics (1). BPA can contaminate food, beverage, air, and soil. It accumulates in several human tissues and organs and is potentially harmful to human health through different molecular mechanisms. Due to its hormone-like properties, BPA may bind to estrogen…

  • Food,  Health

    Tea World

    Tea – a drink known probably all over the world. Drink – an infusion made from the leaves and buds of a group of plants – belonging to the Camellia plant genus. The history of tea drinking begins in China and most of its varieties come from here. Tea plantations can also be found in India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Japan, Iran, Turkey, Vietnam and Indonesia.However, it is worth knowing a few details about the tea that is worth drinking, and which one should rather be avoided, because not every tea is tea 😉Real tea – these are dried leaves or buds (in the mixture you can also sometimes find “sticks”…

  • Food,  Health

    Kombucha – homemade booster!

    What is “kombucha”?It is a sweet and sour drink made of tea, sugar and tea mushroom (Japanese mushroom). When ready to drink – ripe, it should be slightly sour – “a’la ice tea”. Only advantages – no disadvantages:– strengthening the immune system, due to the huge amount of natural probiotics,– rich in vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, proteins, fats, polyphenols and minerals– mine, due to the fact that it is made on the basis of green tea, has an additional antioxidant effect,– detoxifying effect – contains glucuric acid, which combines with toxins and drug metabolites, toxins are captured and excreted from the body,– contains acetic acid, therefore it has an…

  • Food

    Perfect cheesecake – NO sugar!

    We don’t like sugar! It is harmful, causes many diseases, is addictive!But we like cakes – and that’s why I use erythritol instead of sugar. It is a natural sweetener from the group of polyols, come from fruits, lichens, algae and pollen. You will also find it in vegetables, fruits (e.g. grapes, pears), mushrooms. Importantly – the glycemic index of erythritol is zero, making it safe for diabetics and recommended for people with insulin resistance. In addition, it helps to reduce the development of tooth decay and protects the body against free radicals. Erythritol is also good for slimming, because it contains virtually no calories, but it is almost as…

  • Food

    Vitamin bomb!

    Every other day – I drink vegetable, fruit juices or smothies 🙂The best portion of vitamins, fresh, unpasteurized and energizing!My favorite homemade juice mix is: 2 x carrots, 2 x apples, 3x green celery, 1x beetroot, 1/2 red paprica turmeric and ginger water my favorite green smoothie mix is: my favorit berry smoothie is: (I usually make it from frozen fruit): and simply orange-pineapple smoothie 🙂

  • Food,  Health

    Food power! #1

    A foreword to this big chapter.In our fast-paced life, we forget about the most important thing that builds our body, that strengthens and heals it – nutrition! We learned to eat mechanically – instead of nourishing! We swallow food in a hurry, we eat whatever, we eat toxins, antibiotics, pesticides…Look at your plate and ask yourself “Are there vitamins? is there good quality protein? is there good quality fat?”It is not by chance that it is said that “You are what you eat”… If you don’t take care of NUTRITION, forget about a healthy body, healthy head, positive thoughts, strength to live, power and energy! Nourishment – strengthens, builds, nourishes,…

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