
  • Me

    50 Years Young…

    … as my Son put it. Yes, today is my 50th birthday 🙂 And you know what’s interesting? When I was 42, 45, or 48, I was really apprehensive about this round, symbolic anniversary – a symbol of old age, gray hair, being a grandparent, nearing the twilight of life 🙂 But here I am, feeling a complete sense of calm, and internally, I feel like I don’t fit the stereotypical images at all. So yes, I’m welcoming my 50th birthday with gray hair, but I think I’m still far from the typical grandma image 🙂 I still feel young, active, optimistic, full of energy, eager for knowledge, ready to…

  • Me

    3,2,1… start

    How to start? I’ve written this blog a million times…in my mind…everywhere…and never had time to start, because starting is the hardest thing…And so it is with everything – first take a small step, then another small step, and after a year – you will see what happens…Hence my motto – dreamers – do your thing!Every moment is perfect to start – no matter what you are planning… diet, sport, activity, job change… lifestyle change 😉Welcome to my world. It won’t be boring 😉 Ilona

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