Beauty,  Health

You Are Priceless!Your Worth Does Not Depend on Anything External

How much are you worth?

This question has been echoing in my mind for a long time, so I might write more than usual because this is truly important. Let’s think about your inner value. What is your sense of self-worth? What is it built upon, and have you always had it?

The answer is always the same – you were priceless, you are priceless, and you will be priceless! Any scratch on this opinion comes only from the beliefs you acquired during your life, from others’ opinions and judgments. Your worth does not depend on your hair color, brand-name clothes, possessions, education, or the number of likes you get. You are who you are, regardless of what others think.

If you dealt with criticism instead of support in your childhood, if your parents didn’t have time for you despite you being their long-awaited child, if your peers mocked you for looking different or liking different things – these factors could have created a gap in your mind that has not been filled to this day. Let me assure you, it doesn’t matter what others think of you. You can’t keep up with their opinions – some like white, others black, and you’ll never please them all! What matters most is what YOU think of yourself!

Childhood lacks, bullying, perhaps a dysfunctional family – these change our self-view, but they shouldn’t. I’ll say it once more – you are COMPLETE – you lack nothing. Do what you feel (dye your hair or don’t – it’s OK).

Look at nature. Each tree is different, yet together they form a whole. Each birch differs from another birch, but it doesn’t cease to exist, it doesn’t try to change – it is as it is – beautiful, perfect, and necessary to build a forest.

Every negative opinion that hits you is a reflection of the weakness of the person expressing it – don’t let it affect you! You have your goals – diet, exercise, career change, hair color. It’s hard to change our beliefs about ourselves because other people’s opinions – those of a spouse, parents – matter to us, but don’t let them dictate your decisions. Consider them, think about them, but ultimately decide for yourself.

Each of us is PRICELESS.

You don’t have to change for anyone.

Change for yourself.

Dare to be yourself!

Always with love 🙂


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