
Happy Birthday to me :)


What a perfect moment to write a few words about it.

Is it really aging, or is it more about gaining life experience? Every life journey begins at birth and ends in the same place for everyone. It’s up to us whether we flow with it or resist it. Accepting time and the cycle of life is that conscious moment when you go with the flow instead of wasting time dwelling on the past and longing for what’s been lost. I haven’t lost anything- everything has its time: youth, foolishness, and growing up. Now it’s a different time and a different appearance – everything just as nature intended.

When I was 30, I thought that by the time I reached 50, life would be dull and gray. 🙂 Today, at 51, I’m enjoying every day, living my life, and not viewing the past as something lost. That time shaped me and continues to shape me as a person!

I’m not offended when someone says I look old – I look the way I look; what matters is how I feel!

And I feel great!

Soon, I’m flying far away to fulfill another one of my dreams! And for those who fear the coming years -one word: don’t be afraid! Another fantastic year of your incredible life is ahead of you!

Live, love, and enjoy! Happy birthday to me! 😉

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