
Daily activity

My friends often ask how to be healthy, what to do to be in good shape and how to live a long and happy life 🙂

To be honest, I don’t know the golden recipe, but I’ll tell you what I do 😉
I love the mountains – so I try to do a little training on Floyen at least once a week,
I also need good stretching – so I do stretching yoga twice a week – usually 20-30 min,
I also need to strengthen my muscles – so 2 times a week I do strengthening workouts – with dumbbells, leg weights and bands – 30-40 min.
On the weekend I read books, visit friends and relax 🙂

Of course, all this must work together with proper nutrition – check out the Food catalog soon – I will describe what I eat and what I avoid 🙂

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