Food,  Health

The story of a certain allergy to the SUN and a few words about health

For many years, I struggled with a terrible, painful, and very burdensome allergy to the sun! As far as I can remember, it started about 20 years ago – at first, just a slight redness and itching, then over the years, swelling, a huge red wrinkled patch that itched so terribly that it could drive one crazy! The allergy always appeared on the outer sides of both arms and the entire neckline and neck.

Changing tanning creams didn’t help, drinking calcium with quercetin didn’t help, NOTHING helped! Finally, when I ended up at the emergency room in Norway – because I only got allergic reactions from simply WALKING in the sun – the doctor prescribed me an effective antihistamine specifically targeting sun allergies, and the symptoms subsided. However, I had to swallow the pills every time I wanted to be in the sun. That means from April to September… daily….

I’m not a fan of taking any pills, but what else could I do?

The past 3 years have been a MIRACLE. The allergy hasn’t returned. Today, I even tan without using tanning lotion (to produce vitamin D3… more on that here).

So what magical thing did I do?

For over 4 years, I’ve been paying attention to what I eat. I’ve taken care of my microbiome, which is why I drink kombucha and take probiotic capsules every day. I’ve always enjoyed exercising, so I’ve also focused on almost daily activities like yoga, stretching, strength training, and hiking in the mountains. I believe that all of these things together have helped me say goodbye to allergies!

Healing the body by eliminating preservatives, pesticides, dyes, sugar, enhancers, flavorings, fillers, hormones, etc… is the best way to strengthen the body and make it work for us, giving us energy for life and happiness. It’s not much, really 🙂

By the way… it also helps clear my mind 😉

For many people, this may sound magical… all those preservatives, pesticides, etc. So below is a list of what EAT 🙂

  • Eggs – 2 or sometimes 3 daily – and no, it’s not true that they cause cholesterol to rise (mine has been normal for years),
  • I eat nuts,
  • Raw vegetables (usually juiced or smoothie).
  • Fruits (especially pineapples, mangoes, green bananas, oranges, avocados).
  • We bake our own bread (with organic flour, sourdough, or yeast).
  • I make my own cakes (especially cheesecake).
  • As for sweets: I eat chocolate, drink cocoa, and very rarely have ice cream 🙂
  • I drink water (always with a pinch of salt added).
  • I love green tea (read more here).
  • I eat yellow cheeses, brie, cottage cheese (also from a Pakistani store), goat cheese, sheep cheese.
  • I enjoy grilled meat (steaks – yum!).
  • I cook with olive oil, coconut oil, lard, or clarified butter.
  • I have 2 coffees from an espresso machine (always in the morning).
  • Halal meat, wild-caught fish (from VILFISK store).
  • I eat soups (preferably chicken, tomato, sometimes garlic).
  • We use a lot of spices (garlic, ginger, Indian blends, rosemary, Provencal herbs, both dried and fresh).
  • I use good food storage containers (I wrote about it here).
  • honey and bee pollen,
  • and probably many others, but I don’t remember now,

Here’s a list of products that I DON’T EAT:

  • I rarely eat out in restaurants (most of them use old vegetable oils – the exception is grilled dishes!).
  • I don’t buy ready-to-heat meals or salads because I prepare all meals myself.
  • I don’t eat store-bought bread (preservatives, oils, GMO flour, fillers, dyes, flavors).
  • I don’t eat fast food (loaded with trans fats and devoid of nutrients).
  • I avoid sweets, especially brightly colored candies (I strongly advise against eating globally known colorful chocolate-coated candies – read about the description of food dyes!).
  • I don’t eat cookies, candy bars, or ready-made cakes (they contain fillers, flavors, preservatives, dyes, and trans fats).
  • I don’t buy meat from supermarkets (I only buy Halal meat from a Pakistani store I know).
  • I don’t eat farmed fish such as salmon or trout (I buy fish only from VILLFISK – wild-caught or we catch them ourselves ;).
  • I don’t buy ham packaged in plastic (those contain harmful preservatives).
  • I don’t drink alcohol.
  • I don’t drink Coca-Cola or any other sweetened beverages, including those in cartons (they contain phosphoric acid and tons of sugar).
  • I don’t use canola or sunflower oil for frying (during frying, harmful chemical compounds are produced – free radicals and toxins),

Take a close look at your plate and honestly answer the question: How many vitamins and nutrients are in this meal? If it’s highly processed, chances are there is very little or NONE. So, it’s not nourishment; it’s merely food that fills your stomach.

Change your dietary habits, and you’ll change your life! I guarantee that not only will your allergies leave you, but if you suffer from metabolic diseases (diabetes, overweight, heart disease, hypertension…), they will improve over time, and maybe even disappear completely.

Just give it a try 😉 You have nothing to lose!

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