
50 Years Young…

… as my Son put it.

Yes, today is my 50th birthday 🙂

And you know what’s interesting? When I was 42, 45, or 48, I was really apprehensive about this round, symbolic anniversary – a symbol of old age, gray hair, being a grandparent, nearing the twilight of life 🙂 But here I am, feeling a complete sense of calm, and internally, I feel like I don’t fit the stereotypical images at all. So yes, I’m welcoming my 50th birthday with gray hair, but I think I’m still far from the typical grandma image 🙂 I still feel young, active, optimistic, full of energy, eager for knowledge, ready to conquer more mountains and travel 😉

Sometimes, on birthdays or at the end of the year, we tend to reflect… think about what has happened, etc. However, I prefer to PLAN for the next year, two years, or even the next 50 😉

And on this milestone birthday of mine, I wanted to wish YOU a life of embracing each day, appreciating what we have HERE and NOW, but also planning for the future, keeping an open mind, showing kindness in our daily lives, and always holding onto optimism!

All the best to all of us!

With LOVE – Ilona

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