
Perfect cheesecake – NO sugar!

We don’t like sugar! It is harmful, causes many diseases, is addictive!
But we like cakes – and that’s why I use erythritol instead of sugar. It is a natural sweetener from the group of polyols, come from fruits, lichens, algae and pollen. You will also find it in vegetables, fruits (e.g. grapes, pears), mushrooms. Importantly – the glycemic index of erythritol is zero, making it safe for diabetics and recommended for people with insulin resistance. In addition, it helps to reduce the development of tooth decay and protects the body against free radicals. Erythritol is also good for slimming, because it contains virtually no calories, but it is almost as sweet as regular sugar.

My super cheesecake is:
200g of butter
5 eggs
3/4 cup of erythritol
two handfuls of raisins
zest of 1 large orange
a few drops of vanilla flavor
1 kg cheese (ground without sugar)
1 large vanilla pudding (65g)
2 tablespoons of potato flour

You heat the oven to 180C. With a mixer, cream the butter, erythritol and eggs. Add pudding and potato flour. When the mass is uniform, slowly add cheese. At the end, add the raisins (I soak them in hot water beforehand so that they are not dry), orange zest and vanilla flavor. Mix well and pour into a cheesecake mold – 24 cm in diameter lined with baking paper.
Bake about 60-65 minutes – without hot air. After this time, I open the oven – the excess steam escapes, and after 10 minutes I take out the cheesecake to cool down. Once it’s cool, I put it in the fridge to firm up. It is served either with a cocoa coating or lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar (sic!).

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