
How to start?

I’ve written this blog a million times…
in my mind…
and never had time to start, because starting is the hardest thing…
And so it is with everything – first take a small step, then another small step, and after a year – you will see what happens…
My motto – “Dreamers – do your thing!”
Every moment is perfect to start – no matter what you are planning… diet, sport, activity, job change… lifestyle change. Do it! Make a first small step 😉 

I’m making my dreams come true! 😉 Welcome to my world. Not only about travel 🙂

I will show you what I eat, what I do and how I think 😉 My own healthy lifestyle.

It won’t be boring 😉


ps. Born in 1973, in Poland. From 2013 I live in Bergen, Norway. Happy Mom and Wife. By education – Master of Administration. I completed postgraduate studies in Internet Marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics. I have been running my beauty salon in the center of Bergen for 10 years, where I “paint nails” 😉 I love mountains, books, knowledge, good food, photography and of course travel!

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