• Nature,  Travel

    Tarangire National Park – Tanzania

    During our entire trip to Tanzania, what impressed me the most was our 2-day safari on the Tanzanian mainland. Tarangire National Park is beautifully situated in the eastern part of Tanzania. It may not be as famous as Serengeti or Ngorongoro, but it has a lot to offer. It is primarily known for its numerous gigantic African baobab trees and herds of elephants. The name Tarangire comes from the river that flows through the park, the Tarangire River. The park covers a vast area, approximately 2,600 square kilometers. During our visit, we were fortunate to see a lioness hunting, a leopard – or rather a leopardess, African elephants, African buffalo,…

  • Travel

    Zanzibar Tales – Delicious Food, Beautiful Beaches, and Hakuna Matata :)

    We flew to Zanzibar in early September, a time when the tourist season is a bit quieter – read: not too crowded. The weather was fantastic, with daily temperatures hovering around 28 degrees Celsius. We rented an apartment in a two-story bungalow with a stunning terrace right by the ocean. The resort was located near Paje on the east coast, which was perfect for me, a sunrise enthusiast. During our two-week stay, we explored: Now, onto the food – it was delicious everywhere we went. We dined at our hotel’s restaurant, which boasted masterful cuisine. While there, we even had the chance to cook Zanzibar’s famous Urojo soup with the…

  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #3 Vitamin B

    Today, we’re diving into another fascinating realm – the world of B vitamins. They’re like a true support squad for our body, a bit like a team of superheroes ready to tackle health challenges on every front. Get ready for a journey full of energy and vitamin power! The B Vitamin Team – Who’s in the Lineup? Think of B vitamins as an awesome squad of friends. Each of them has unique abilities that help us maintain vitality and good shape. It all starts with Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, which speeds up carbohydrate metabolism and supplies us with energy. B2, or riboflavin, takes care of healthy skin and…

  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #2 Vitamin A

    Hey there, awesome readers! Today, I’d like to take you on a journey through the captivating world of Vitamin A – a tiny yet incredibly important substance that plays a key role in our body’s well-being. Also known as the “beauty vitamin,” it’s not just about skin-deep effects – Vitamin A is a superstar in growth processes, tissue regeneration, and boosting our immune system. But wait, there’s more! Thanks to Vitamin A, our vision works like a charm, even allowing us to see in the dark like cats. Why is Vitamin A so crucial, you ask? Well, think of Vitamin A as a little wizard that keeps our skin smooth…

  • Me

    50 Years Young…

    … as my Son put it. Yes, today is my 50th birthday 🙂 And you know what’s interesting? When I was 42, 45, or 48, I was really apprehensive about this round, symbolic anniversary – a symbol of old age, gray hair, being a grandparent, nearing the twilight of life 🙂 But here I am, feeling a complete sense of calm, and internally, I feel like I don’t fit the stereotypical images at all. So yes, I’m welcoming my 50th birthday with gray hair, but I think I’m still far from the typical grandma image 🙂 I still feel young, active, optimistic, full of energy, eager for knowledge, ready to…

  • Beauty,  Food

    Beauty Nails Alphabet

    Due to my profession (as you know I work as a nails designer), clients often ask what to do to have healthy, strong nails. Unfortunately, much depends on our genetics, but we can strengthen them through a good diet and proper care. Below, I have prepared a list of vitamins and minerals essential for strengthening natural nails. 1. Vitamin A – A for Advancement in Care Vitamin A is a true star in nail care. It protects against brittleness and enhances nail flexibility. You can find it in carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and papaya. Vitamin A also aids in the production of keratin, the main component of nails. 2. Vitamin…

  • Food

    Rose Petal Jam: A Quick Recipe for a Fantastic Floral Delight

    Imagine the delicate fragrance of rose petals captured within the confines of a glass jar – a true sensory delight! Today, I’m here to share with you a lightning-fast recipe that will have you crafting your very own rose petal jam, or as the French fondly refer to it, “confiture de pétales de rose”. Let’s gather our materials: Now, pay attention to this crucial step: from each rose petal, gently detach the white part, the bit that protrudes from the base. Failure to do so might result in a bitter jam – and trust me, we’re aiming for floral sweetness! Rinse the petals thoroughly with cold water and pat them…

  • Beauty

    A natural lotion to strengthen the hair growth

    Hi everyone! I wanted to share with you a recipe for my magical homemade hair tonic. I must admit, the main reason I decided to ditch the hair dye was simply the sorry state of my locks, which were falling out by the handful. I found some hints on Indian websites and…1 tablespoon of cloves2 tablespoons of rosemary (dried)4-5 bay leaves.We pour 2 cups of warm water, boil for 10 minutes, under a slight cover. We strain it, and it’s ready. You’ll have about 1-1.2 cups left. After it cools down, I pour it either into an old spray bottle or a serum bottle 😉 and keep it in the…

  • Beauty

    Silver way – my gray hair care :)

    Today, I want to share with you my journey of embracing my natural gray hair, which has now been ongoing for 8 months! Alongside this decision, I also had to make changes to my hair care routine. The biggest shift has been my introduction to purple shampoos and new conditioners… But let’s start from the beginning… 2. Conditioners: After rinsing, I apply rinse-out conditioners about 4 cm from the scalp and let them sit for around 2-3 minutes. Sometimes, I also use purple conditioners, like the one from the picture – Maroccanoil. However, my hair doesn’t particularly love this one (it tends to feel a bit overloaded), or Shimmer of…

  • Nature,  Travel

    Tatry – Polish amazing mountains!

    At the beginning of July – together with my son – we spent magical 4 days in the Polish Tatra Mountains!High, sunny, long and phenomenal – this is how I can briefly describe our short trip.Gęsia Szyja (Gooseneck), Świnica (Swinica), Morskie Oko and Czarny Staw pod Rysami – such points we scored, and of course – Krupówki in Zakopane 🙂

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