Healthy, Beautiful, and Strong Hair – What Do They Really Need?
I often see comments saying, “I wish I had that much hair!” Well… I didn’t always have this much either! But over time, I’ve learned what hair really needs to grow strong and healthy. 1. Change Your Hair Care RoutineChoose shampoo based on your scalp type and conditioner based on your hair type. And remember – NO SLS or SLES! 2. Massage Your Scalp & Use Strengthening LotionsRegular scalp massages stimulate blood circulation and support hair growth. I personally use my DIY natural scalp lotion – check out my highlights for the recipe! 3. Nutrition Matters!Vitamins and minerals are key for hair health: – B12, selenium, zinc, magnesium, biotin, iron – Additionally: Vitamin D, silica, omega-3 – all essential for strong, healthy hair!…
My Journey to Healthier Hair #2 Diet
Diet. Doesn’t this word sound like something we’d want to avoid at all costs? It brings to mind restrictions, sacrifices, and an unpleasant feeling that we have to give something up. But don’t be misled – it’s actually about something much more positive and constructive. Instead of talking about dieting, I prefer to focus on “rational eating.” Sounds better, doesn’t it? Our nutritional needs change with every stage of life. Proper nutrition isn’t about mindlessly stuffing ourselves but about consciously choosing what lands on our plates. Different periods in life require different nutrients. And what happens inside us directly affects how we look outside. That’s why it’s important to focus…
My Daily Morning Routine – The Tale of My Two Glasses :)
Morning, as we all know, is a crucial part of the day, and to ensure the day is joyful, happy, and full of energy, it’s essential to start it off right 🙂 Every day, right after waking up, I drink two magical glasses: What does the glass with bee pollen give me? Primarily, it provides vitamins and minerals (vitamins from the B group, namely B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C, vitamin A -beta-carotene , vitamin E, vitamin D, and vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, silica, and manganes), as well as energy. It stimulates the body to get moving and refreshes the mind. With…
Why do I avoid eating bread nowadays?
It’s a question I often hear, and sometimes it’s not easy to answer. I’ll be honest, I used to love bread 🙂 But not the bread you find on the commercial market today. I want to share my thoughts on this. Bread, as I remember it from over 40 years ago, was something special. It was the taste of real baking tradition, handmade, with a beautiful golden crust, full of aroma and a delicate crunch. Unfortunately, today’s bread is quite different from those days. So why don’t I eat modern bread? There are several reasons. Firstly, the bread produced today is the result of processes that make it less and…
Health alphabet #3 Vitamin B
Today, we’re diving into another fascinating realm – the world of B vitamins. They’re like a true support squad for our body, a bit like a team of superheroes ready to tackle health challenges on every front. Get ready for a journey full of energy and vitamin power! The B Vitamin Team – Who’s in the Lineup? Think of B vitamins as an awesome squad of friends. Each of them has unique abilities that help us maintain vitality and good shape. It all starts with Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, which speeds up carbohydrate metabolism and supplies us with energy. B2, or riboflavin, takes care of healthy skin and…
Health alphabet #2 Vitamin A
Hey there, awesome readers! Today, I’d like to take you on a journey through the captivating world of Vitamin A – a tiny yet incredibly important substance that plays a key role in our body’s well-being. Also known as the “beauty vitamin,” it’s not just about skin-deep effects – Vitamin A is a superstar in growth processes, tissue regeneration, and boosting our immune system. But wait, there’s more! Thanks to Vitamin A, our vision works like a charm, even allowing us to see in the dark like cats. Why is Vitamin A so crucial, you ask? Well, think of Vitamin A as a little wizard that keeps our skin smooth…
Rose Petal Jam: A Quick Recipe for a Fantastic Floral Delight
Imagine the delicate fragrance of rose petals captured within the confines of a glass jar – a true sensory delight! Today, I’m here to share with you a lightning-fast recipe that will have you crafting your very own rose petal jam, or as the French fondly refer to it, “confiture de pétales de rose”. Let’s gather our materials: Now, pay attention to this crucial step: from each rose petal, gently detach the white part, the bit that protrudes from the base. Failure to do so might result in a bitter jam – and trust me, we’re aiming for floral sweetness! Rinse the petals thoroughly with cold water and pat them…
Food power #2 – beet kvass (sourdough)
Beet Kvass – Cheers to Health! Another important probiotic for health is homemade beet kvass. You can find the recipe below, but first, a few words about its benefits: Beet kvass has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, boosts the immune system, helps lower blood pressure, benefits the skin, cardiovascular system, liver, aids recovery from anemia, and aids digestion. We should drink about half a glass a day, preferably between meals 🙂 However, there are some contraindications to drinking fermented beet kvass. It’s not recommended for individuals with kidney stones and gout (beets contain oxalates), as well as those with low blood pressure. People with diabetes should also avoid it due to…
The story of a certain allergy to the SUN and a few words about health
For many years, I struggled with a terrible, painful, and very burdensome allergy to the sun! As far as I can remember, it started about 20 years ago – at first, just a slight redness and itching, then over the years, swelling, a huge red wrinkled patch that itched so terribly that it could drive one crazy! The allergy always appeared on the outer sides of both arms and the entire neckline and neck. Changing tanning creams didn’t help, drinking calcium with quercetin didn’t help, NOTHING helped! Finally, when I ended up at the emergency room in Norway – because I only got allergic reactions from simply WALKING in the…
Food power! #1
A foreword to this big chapter.In our fast-paced life, we forget about the most important thing that builds our body, that strengthens and heals it – nutrition! We learned to eat mechanically – instead of nourishing! We swallow food in a hurry, we eat whatever, we eat toxins, antibiotics, pesticides…Look at your plate and ask yourself “Are there vitamins? is there good quality protein? is there good quality fat?”It is not by chance that it is said that “You are what you eat”… If you don’t take care of NUTRITION, forget about a healthy body, healthy head, positive thoughts, strength to live, power and energy! Nourishment – strengthens, builds, nourishes,…