• Beauty,  Food,  Health

    My Journey to Healthier Hair #2 Diet

    Diet. Doesn’t this word sound like something we’d want to avoid at all costs? It brings to mind restrictions, sacrifices, and an unpleasant feeling that we have to give something up. But don’t be misled – it’s actually about something much more positive and constructive. Instead of talking about dieting, I prefer to focus on “rational eating.” Sounds better, doesn’t it? Our nutritional needs change with every stage of life. Proper nutrition isn’t about mindlessly stuffing ourselves but about consciously choosing what lands on our plates. Different periods in life require different nutrients. And what happens inside us directly affects how we look outside. That’s why it’s important to focus…

  • Food,  Health

    My Daily Morning Routine – The Tale of My Two Glasses :)

    Morning, as we all know, is a crucial part of the day, and to ensure the day is joyful, happy, and full of energy, it’s essential to start it off right πŸ™‚ Every day, right after waking up, I drink two magical glasses: What does the glass with bee pollen give me? Primarily, it provides vitamins and minerals (vitamins from the B group, namely B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C, vitamin A -beta-carotene , vitamin E, vitamin D, and vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, silica, and manganes), as well as energy. It stimulates the body to get moving and refreshes the mind. With…

  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #3 Vitamin B

    Today, we’re diving into another fascinating realm – the world of B vitamins. They’re like a true support squad for our body, a bit like a team of superheroes ready to tackle health challenges on every front. Get ready for a journey full of energy and vitamin power! The B Vitamin Team – Who’s in the Lineup? Think of B vitamins as an awesome squad of friends. Each of them has unique abilities that help us maintain vitality and good shape. It all starts with Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, which speeds up carbohydrate metabolism and supplies us with energy. B2, or riboflavin, takes care of healthy skin and…

  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #2 Vitamin A

    Hey there, awesome readers! Today, I’d like to take you on a journey through the captivating world of Vitamin A – a tiny yet incredibly important substance that plays a key role in our body’s well-being. Also known as the “beauty vitamin,” it’s not just about skin-deep effects – Vitamin A is a superstar in growth processes, tissue regeneration, and boosting our immune system. But wait, there’s more! Thanks to Vitamin A, our vision works like a charm, even allowing us to see in the dark like cats. Why is Vitamin A so crucial, you ask? Well, think of Vitamin A as a little wizard that keeps our skin smooth…

  • Food,  Health

    Health alphabet #1 Vitamin D3

    Yes, yes, it’s not a mistake that I start the health alphabet with vitamin D3 and not with vitamin A πŸ˜‰* The most important,* the most underrated* its deficiency causes serious diseases* and we usually have too little of this vitamin πŸ™ Let’s start from scratch: What is this?Vitamin D, along with vitamins A, E and K, belongs to the group fat-soluble vitamins. She was discoveredonly in 1919 by Mellanbe, who for the first time the first to show that rickets could be caused by eficiencies in the diet of soluble substances in fats. Vitamin D can be supplied to the body in two ways – with food products or…

  • Food

    Vitamin bomb!

    Every other day – I drink vegetable, fruit juices or smothies πŸ™‚The best portion of vitamins, fresh, unpasteurized and energizing!My favorite homemade juice mix is: 2 x carrots, 2 x apples, 3x green celery, 1x beetroot, 1/2 red paprica turmeric and ginger water my favorite green smoothie mix is: my favorit berry smoothie is: (I usually make it from frozen fruit): and simply orange-pineapple smoothie πŸ™‚

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